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The Positive Living Skills Evidence base expands!

The THIRD Positive Living Skills Research report has now been released.

With thanks to Positive Living Skills' research partners, Dr. Libbey Murray from Charles Sturt University, and Dr. Loraine Fordham from Macquarie University, and thanks to teachers and students from Years 3-6 at Wellington Public School in Central Western NSW, the evidence base of the PLS programs is expanding.

In some highlights from the study.......

Teachers: ⭐Found the program easy and flexible ⭐Agreed there had been a flow on effect in their personal lives ⭐Commented how PLS ‘filled a gap’ in their current Personal Development and Health curriculum, commenting on how it

slotted into that social emotional program part of Be You and Kids matter',

and one teacher commented that PLS supports their PBL (Positive Behaviour for Learning) approach because it "models what positive behaviour is", and answers the question

‘how do I teach that?’

⭐Teachers also reflected on how the positive language of the PLS program helped support positive relationships between teachers and students.

"It's a good way to relate with them"

And we are delighted that Students:

Love the 'highlights' concept

⭐Are using 'Changing Channels'to help them 'stay calm', and

ALL children agreed they would have liked to learn about PLS earlier in their schooling,

’because we’d get to learn more about each other’ and
‘it helps you to be open with your friends’

There’s so much good news to share in this report and we are so glad that the evidence base of the Positive Living Skills Wellbeing Programs for Schools and Early Learning Centre communities is expanding and the programs resources and support are making such a positive impact in so many Australian communities, for educators, children and families. If you are interested to read the latest report in full please visit the research page of our website, and you can find out more about the Positive Living Skills Primary School Wellbeing program and download an information document by visiting the Program page of the website. If you want to explore how this program could support your School contact us now! Email and let's chat via Zoom 😀😀😀 Until next time, The PLS Team



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