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The NSW Mental Health Commission showcases the Positive Living Skills initiative

As part of the NSW Mental Health Commission's mid-term review of their Living Well Agenda, the Positive Living Skills initiative has been showcased on the Mental Health Commission's website, as aligning with the 'Getting in Earlier' domain of their Living Well Agenda.

The Case Study review relates specifically to how the Positive Living Skills programs have supported a variety of communities in Western NSW over the last couple of years.

In October 2019, with support from the Western NSW Primary Health Network's 'Empowering Communities' funding, 10 Early learning services in rural and remote drought affected communities in Western NSW were able to access the Positive Living Skills initiative.

Early Learning Services in Broken Hill, Bourke, Weilmoringle, Brewarrina, Coonamble, Menindee, Wellington and Forbes were amoung those to benefit from the Positive Living Skills Early Childhood Wellbeing program, which supports young children to learn essential skills for mental wellbeing while supporting Educators at the same time. with resources reaching home to families.

In October 2019 PLS Founder Cath Shaw and PLS Early Childhood Specialist Hailey Chant, and PLS Program mascot Possa Bil! visited some of the communities who are very grateful for the support.

"The children refer to PossaBill as a guide to help them make choices and decisions on behaviour."


At PLS, we are very grateful to have this support so that we can help more communities around Australia.

To read the Mental Health Commission's Positive Living Skills case study, click HERE.


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