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Self Esteem

Self-esteem means I feel goodabout me. I am proud of who I am. I make good choices. I can make mistakes and that's okay.

  • It's vital that children build a healthy level of self-belief and self-esteem and how families interact and model behaviour is a integral part of this development.

  • Developing and maintaining a healthy level of self-esteem means that we can feel capable to handle life’s challenges, we have the capacity to understand and solve problems, and we feel we have the capacity to understand and solve problems, and we feel we have a right to achieve fulfillment and be treated with respect.

Ideas for applying the PLS Self-esteem concept at home:

• As children build their level of self-esteem, they collaborate more effectively with others enhancing cooperation at school with other students and teachers and at home with siblings, friends and family members

• Greater self-esteem encourages more effective and assertive communication. Those at home can listen and help them feel valued and reward effort over outcomes

• Encouraging children to face and handle their own set-backs and challenges and to realise their own ability to problem solve will assist to build their resilience and healthy self-esteem

• Every child is unique and will develop as an individual. As adults we can support them to build their self-esteem by encouraging them to try new things, and pursue the skills and goals that are important to them

• We can also support children to build a healthy self-esteem by removing comparisons

• Children who are supported to build healthy self-esteem are more inclined to be self-driven and motivated for all pursuits within and outside of school

• Acknowledge positive behaviour and encourage strengths and unique talents

Encourage all family members to stand tall with shoulders back and head tilted up. Your physiology and body language sends strong messages and this body language says ‘confidence.’

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