When I focus I am still. I watch and listen. I concentrate on one thing.
When families learn how to focus in the present moment and how to choose their focus, family connections deepen the home environment radiates more peace and flow.
Being able to fully connect with a task or to a moment in time is a key driver of success in any area of life, and building the skill to actively direct our focus in positive ways from moment to moment allows us experience more fulfilment, higher quality relationships and ultimately more enjoyment in life.
Ideas to apply the PLS concept of Focus in your home life:
• Applying the concepts of the Focus Unit of the Positive Living Skills program will enhance memory and learning skills which will propel both academic and life achievement forward.
• As children build their focus skills, they also build confidence and self-esteem, and improve their communication and social skills, improving relationships both within and outside of the home.
• Assist children to remove as many distractions as possible when participating in activities at home by modelling focusing on one task at a time when possible. When children learn to focus on the present moment they can experience more balance in their lives and more joy at school and at home, finding more to appreciate about school and life in general, improving their outcomes in both areas, Try a mindfulness relaxation audio from the 0-5 Year or 6-12 year library.
• Try scheduling family time when all family members put away all distractions and focus on a conversation or on each other, sharing information about their day or planning activities or events.
• Next time you find yourself focused on all the things that are NOT working, consider - what is one thing that IS working at the moment? What is one thing that your child or partner or sibling is doing that you LIKE or that you are HAPPY about.Parents and caregivers can balance feedback so more positive things are shared than negative or at least match the numbers!
Learning to direct their focus in positive ways teaches children to reframe mistakes into learning experiences, enhancing their potential, and building skills to see the opportunities in situations.
• With the implementation of focus skills, the culture and energy at home will be more focused on connection and on positive experiences, which can have a flow on effect at home and in the community.
• Improving focus skills and the ability of children to focus through distractions will improve the learning outcomes of all children, particularly those diagnosed with ADD/ADHD.
Some old fashioned fun family focus game ideas: Concentration, Simon Says and Musical Chairs.