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13 + years


The developmental stage of adolescence, starting at 13 years and beyond, is a period of significant physical, cognitive, emotional, and social changes. It is a critical time for shaping one's identity, decision-making abilities, and relationships, making support and guidance from parents, educators, and caregivers essential.

Amazing power of language

Words are so powerful. They can wound or heal, and they can lift us up or drag us down. 

Learn about how the words you choose to communicate, either to yourself or others can shape your life.


Beliefs Part 2

Learn about how our beliefs are helping to shape our experience every day. 

Complete the Defining Moments exercise to help you boost your self-awareness as you build your Emotional Intelligence.


Physiology creates psychology

Learn how you can use your body language or physiology to help you boost your own feelings of confidence and empowerment. 

Consider how you can boost your positive mindset in just a couple of minutes.


Beliefs Part 1

What do you believe to be true of the world or of your potential or of relationships or money? 

How are these beliefs shaping your outcomes? 

Complete these practical activities to help you move forward in your life.


100 percent responsibility

What if we were to take on the belief that we were 100% responsible for the outcomes we experience in our lives. 

What a concept! Download and consider the ideas in this report. Try them on and let us know what you think!

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